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时间:2024-03-11 07:36 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站

1. 医学:

? ? - The New England Journal of Medicine:74.699

? ? - The Lancet:74.764

? ? - JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association:48.008

2. 物理学:

? ? - Physical Review Letters:8.385

? ? - Nature Physics:26.605

? ? - Reviews of Modern Physics:41.298

3. 化学:

? ? - Journal of the American Chemical Society:14.612

? ? - Angewandte Chemie International Edition:12.959

? ? - Chemical Reviews:63.273

4. 生物科学:

? ? - Cell:46.217

? ? - Nature Genetics:32.473

? ? - Science:41.037

5. 工程学:

? ? - Proceedings of the IEEE:10.694

? ? - Advanced Materials:30.849

? ? - Journal of Controlled Release:14.476

6. 地球科学:

? ? - Nature Geoscience:15.387

? ? - Earth-Science Reviews:13.291

? ? - Geology:7.171

7. 环境科学:

? ? - Environmental Science & Technology:9.550

? ? - Global Change Biology:9.254

? ? - Nature Climate Change:26.662

8. 计算机科学:

? ? - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence:13.956

? ? - ACM Computing Surveys:9.227

? ? - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering:6.328

9. 数学:

? ? - Annals of Mathematics:3.091

? ? - Journal of the American Mathematical Society:4.710

? ? - Journal of Differential Geometry:3.379

10. 经济学:

? ? - Quarterly Journal of Economics:12.766

? ? - Econometrica:7.695

? ? - The American Economic Review:7.677