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时间:2024-03-05 20:26 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站


你最近一次大快朵颐鲜活龙虾时,可能完全不会想到这个小家伙在被活活煮熟的时候经历了怎样的折磨。许多研究人员曾经相信,甲壳纲动物的神经系统太过原始,无法处理疼痛感。但是,贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen's University in Belfast)的科学家认为,甲壳纲动物对疼痛的敏感性可能比先前认为的要高。


Crustacean Brain May Process Pain

The last time you splurged on a live lobster for dinner, you might not have given any thought to how much the little guy was going to suffer as he boiled to death. Until recently many researchers believed the crustacean nervous system too primitive to process pain. But scientists at Queen's University in Belfast now think that crustaceans may be more sensitive to pain than previously thought.

The researchers used crabs as their test animals. And they found that crabs that experienced an electric shock when they hid under a safe, dark rock would eventually learn to avoid the hiding place. And that avoidance is key: the animals' ability...[full transcript]


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