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<p>Let's go to the temple

时间:2024-02-28 21:56 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站

The largest traditional temple fair in Shenzhen, the Xixiang Temple Fair at the Sanyuesan Festival, opened on April 17. This temple fair, which is scheduled to conclude on April ?25, is a traditional cultural activity of intangible cultural heritage in Guangdong.

The fair has been fully upgraded this year. The number of parade teams has increased to more than 100, drawing?more than 3,000 participants.?The parade route has been extended from 1.4?km?to 4?km and some national intangible cultural heritage teams are also invited to join this time.


「三月三」庙会是广东省级非遗传统文化活动。今年的西乡北帝庙会全面升级,巡游队伍增加到100余支,参与人数多达三千人,巡游路线从1.4公里延长至4公里,国家级非遗队伍梅岭飘色、潮州锣鼓乐队、英歌舞等队伍也应邀加入。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)
