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时间:2024-02-28 03:48 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站

輕輕的我走了,正如我輕輕的來;我輕輕的招手,作別西天的雲彩。(徐志摩)Quietly I leave just as quietly I came.I gently wave my hands and say goodbye to the clouds in the western sky.(Xu Zhimo)/20 F canvas 畫布 acrylic paint 壓克力顏料 2020 CP Chen /

那河畔的金柳,是夕陽中的新娘;波光裡的艶影,在我的心頭盪漾。(徐志摩)The golden willow by the riverside is the bride under the setting sun.Her shadow on the shimmering waves is lingering in my heart.(Xu Zhimo)/20 F canvas 畫布 acrylic paint 壓克力顏料 2020 CP Chen /

輭泥上的青荇,油油的在水底招搖;在康河的柔波裡,我甘心做一條水草。(徐志摩)The green plants in the sludge sway softly in the bottom of the water.In the comfortable waves of the Cambridge river,I am willing to be a water plant.(Xu Zhimo)/20 F canvas 畫布 acrylic paint 壓克力顏料 2020 CP Chen /

尋夢,撐一支長篙,向青草更青處漫溯;滿載一船星輝,在星輝斑爛裡放歌。(徐志摩)To seek a dream,I punt a long pole and randomly sail upstream toward a place more verdant than the green grasses. My boat carries a full load of starlights and I sing aloud among their splendor.(Xu Zhimo) /20 F canvas 畫布 acrylic paint 壓克力顏料 2020 CP Chen /

吉力馬札羅山 Mt. Kilimanjaro/6F canvas 畫布 acrylic paint 壓克力顏料 2016 CP Chen /

媽媽親像山。/116.7×91 公分/50F /壓克力顏料 /2021年/

My mom is very much like a mountain./116.7×91 cm/50F canvas /Acrylic paint/2021/CP Chen