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Jason:英语思维解密,为什么in one's element表示得心应手,轻

时间:2024-02-02 22:29 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站

in one's element


Jason:英语思维解密,为什么in one's element表示得心应手,轻松学英语


in one's element

element,古人认为构成万物的四种元素为,earth土,air气,fire火,water水。1590年代,element指任何事物的适当的或自然的环境。每一类生物都有适合自己的环境,in one's element就是在属于你自己的自然环境中,就像鸟在空中,鱼在水中一样。你会做你喜欢做的事,而且做的很好,得心应手,感到非常快乐、舒适。

My mother is in her element in the kitchen and can make just about any dish.老妈在厨房里得心应手,她几乎会做任何一道菜。

John loves to work with color and texture.

When he is painting, he is in his element.


As I hadn't done much cooking recently, I felt a bit out of my element in the kitchen.由于最近没怎么做饭,我觉得在厨房里有点不自在。