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时间:2024-01-28 21:14 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站


【一、二年级】单项选择:( )

This is my desk.。

A. 这是我的椅子。

B. 这是我的桌子。



【三年级】单项选择( )

Amy is a ________.

A. boy

B. girl



【四年级】单项选择( )

The ________ are under the tree.

A. sheeps

B. goats

C. horse



【五年级】单项选择( )

Kitty doesn’t ____ the loud music.

A. likes

B. liked

C. like



【六年级】单项选择。( )

—Where are my _____?

—They _____ on the bookcase yesterday morning.

A. CDs; are

B. CDs; were

C. CD; was

D.CD; is




There are many people in the park. They are singing and dancing.

There are many people ____ ____ ____ in the park.




Jackie Chan is a famous______(act).

I like his movies very much.





What ______ ______ my teacher told me!
