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Moms Practice Yoga to Celebrate Mother's Day in

时间:2024-01-22 10:43 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站

On May 9th, in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, dozens of mothers participated in the Mom yoga activity in the Whale Shark Pavilion of Chimelong Ocean Kingdom to celebrate Mother's Day. (Photo by Chen Jimin/ China News Agency)

On May 9th, in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, dozens of mothers participated in the Mom yoga activity in the Whale Shark Pavilion of Chimelong Ocean Kingdom to celebrate Mother's Day. (Photo by Chen Jimin/ China News Agency)

On May 9th, in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, dozens of mothers participated in the Mom yoga activity in the Whale Shark Pavilion of Chimelong Ocean Kingdom to celebrate Mother's Day. (Photo by Chen Jimin/ China News Agency)

On May 9th, in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, dozens of mothers participated in the "Tide Mom" yoga activity in the Whale Shark Pavilion of Chimelong Ocean Kingdom to celebrate Mother's Day. (Photo by Chen Jimin/ China News Agency)
