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Feature:Int'l Color Race brings joy,healthiness

时间:2024-01-20 01:31 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站

People participate in the Color Run, a five-kilometer untimed race, in the resort city of New Alamein, Matrouh province, Egypt, on Aug. 14, 2021. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)

NEW ALAMEIN, Egypt, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) -- In Egypt's Mediterranean resort city of New Alamein, hundreds of runners were doused from head to toe in different colors during the international race Color Run.

The Color Run, also known as the Happiest 5K on the Planet, is a unique event that celebrates healthiness, happiness, and individuality. Now the Color Run has been experienced by over eight million runners worldwide in more than 50 countries and regions.

During the five-kilometer untimed race in New Alamein, racers stopped at each kilometer mark and joyfully showered themselves with colored powder.

Wearing white at the starting line, the runners finished the race covered with colors.

"This is my first time to join such an event, but I really enjoyed it," Malak Sultan, a 20-year-old colleague student, told Xinhua right after she hit the finish line.

The young lady, who came from neighboring Alexandria province with her twin sister, said she decided to join the event to have fun and to try a new experience.

"I did not expect that so many people will join the marathon...I really loved the run as well as throwing colors on each other," Sultan, whose clothes, face and hair were fully covered with different shiny colors.

She said that she will participate in next year's race, adding that she will ask her friends to join her to have more fun.

Approaching the finish line, Ahmed Adel, a 22-year-old university student from Cairo, was received by his friends with showers of colors.

"The event is hilarious. We had so much fun and still we will have more entertainment during the day," Adel joyfully told Xinhua.

He said the atmosphere was thrilling, noting that he made new friends during the one-day event.

Once the race was over, the fun continued at the Finish Festival, a larger-than-life party equipped with music, dancing, activity booths, vendors, and more massive color throws.

In addition to having fun, The Color Run is meant to inspire participants to live a more active lifestyle. The Color Run also donates revenues to charity activities in Egypt.

"We have a human message...this year, part of the revenues of the event will go to a local pediatric hospital," Amr Mansi, the event organizer, told Xinhua.

The former professional squash player pointed out that the event also aims at giving people the opportunity to run so as to encourage them to have a healthier lifestyle.

"We also want to introduce the beauty of our country through sport, cultural and fun events. This is one of our messages," he said.

Mansi noted that this is the second edition of the Color Run in Egypt, adding that the event will be held annually and will tour several cities across the country.

"The event is also important for families as it has so many fun activities, including activities for kids," he said. Enditem

People participate in the Color Run, a five-kilometer untimed race, in the resort city of New Alamein, Matrouh province, Egypt, on Aug. 14, 2021. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)

People participate in the Color Run, a five-kilometer untimed race, in the resort city of New Alamein, Matrouh province, Egypt, on Aug. 14, 2021. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)

People participate in the Color Run, a five-kilometer untimed race, in the resort city of New Alamein, Matrouh province, Egypt, on Aug. 14, 2021. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)

People participate in the Color Run, a five-kilometer untimed race, in the resort city of New Alamein, Matrouh province, Egypt, on Aug. 14, 2021. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)

A racer pours colored powder on runners during the Color Run, a five-kilometer untimed race, in the resort city of New Alamein, Matrouh province, Egypt, on Aug. 14, 2021. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)
