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“After coming to Beijing,I've learned how to sho

时间:2024-01-16 19:22 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站


Located on the southern end of the Caribbean Sea, Trinidad and Tobago is a country with abundant resources, picturesque scenery, and great cultural diversity. The country’s unique charming steel drum music and carnival have gained popularity around the world. In November, 2021, Analisa Low assumed her post as the ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago to China. As an ethnic Chinese person, Low expects to work toward enhancing bilateral exchanges during her tenure.

Analisa Low, Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to China (Photo: Lu Ningyuan)

“In Trinidad and Tobago, Cha Shaobao is very popular”

Trinidad and Tobago and China enjoy a time-honored friendship. The two countries had shared a long and meaningful history of people-to-people and cultural exchanges before their diplomatic relations were officially established in 1974.

In 1806, Chinese immigrants arrived in Trinidad and Tobago for the first time. Low’s grandparents moved from Zhongshan, South China’s Guangdong Province to Trinidad and Tobago in the late 1940s. “After coming to Trinidad and Tobago, most Chinese immigrants started businesses while trying to learn English to integrate themselves with the locals,” Low said.

Trinidadian women dressed in costumes for carnival (Photo: Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to China)

The ambassador said that Chinese culture has been deeply embedded in the society and culture of Trinidad and Tobago, which can be seen from the bustling Chinatown in its capital, Port of Spain, where the streets are lined with various shops started by the Chinese people, with the aroma of Chinese cuisine infused in the air.

“In Trinidad and Tobago, Cha Shaobao is very popular and it’s called ‘pow’ by locals. Also, local Chinese people often gather together to celebrate traditional Chinese festivals,” said Low.

These years have seen deeper mutual political trust and continuous pragmatic cooperation in many areas between China and Trinidad and Tobago. Low has witnessed many important moments in the bilateral relations.

In June, 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to the island nation. In May, 2018, Prime Minister Keith Rowley of Trinidad and Tobago paid an official visit to China. During the visit, Trinidad and Tobago became the first English-speaking Caribbean country to join the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

“On the basis of our solid bilateral relationship, I will continue to work on enhancing the ties and friendship between our two peoples,” said Low.

Pigeon Point in Tobago (Photo: Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to China)

“China’s new development philosophy deserves much praise”

Low had visited China several times before she assumed the duty of ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago to China. Among others, infrastructural development and images of China’s megacities impressed her a lot.

“I have gone to Guangdong and Zhejiang (provinces in China) many times and witnessed the rapid development of many cities,” said Low.

In Low’s view, many cities in China are interconnected economic hubs where modern airports and hotels are equipped with the most advanced facilities. “It seems as though wide roads and modern public transport systems were built overnight.”

Low noticed that great changes have taken place in the Chinese people’s way of life. “What surprises me the most is that e-commerce has gained popularity in such a short period of time in China.”

Low remembered that on the streets of Shanghai and Guangdong 20 years ago, people had to manually hail a taxi and almost all vendors accepted cash only. “But now, people can book a taxi or buy high-speed railway and airline tickets through smartphone apps. And customers can pay easily by scanning the vendor’s QR code when shopping.” Low said she herself also does “as the Chinese do,” and “after coming to Beijing, I learned how to shop online quickly.”

The ambassador has witnessed China’s innovative, green, and digital development. “China’s new development philosophy deserves much praise and aligns with our national vision of strengthening the building of its capability of innovative, diverse, and sustainable development,” said Low.

“Cooperation with China’s e-commerce platforms is underway”

Despite the geographic distance between the two countries, China and Trinidad and Tobago enjoy increasingly closer cooperation and exchanges.

Trinidad and Tobago, among other Caribbean countries, took the lead in joining the BRI. Low believes that there is great potential for the two countries to conduct cooperation in the energy sector in future.

At the 2021 China International Import Expo (CIIE), many products from Trinidad and Tobago attracted Chinese consumers’ attention. “We are expecting to attend the fifth CIIE this year to exhibit our special goods,” Low said, “Cooperation with Chinese e-commerce platforms is underway to offer quality products to Chinese consumers.”

By Zhang Liulu |Haiwainet