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Greece, Cyprus, Israel vow to boost energy cooperation

时间:2024-01-14 15:28 来源:网络整理 转载:我的网站
Greece, Cyprus, Israel vow to boost energy cooperation

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid (L), Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias (C) and Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides attend a press conference after a trilateral meeting of foreign ministers in Athens, Greece, on April 5, 2022. (Xinhua/Marios Lolos)

ATHENS, April 5 (Xinhua) -- Greece, Cyprus and Israel have pledged here on Tuesday to strengthen cooperation in the energy sector in the wake of the Ukraine-Russia crisis.

"Diversifying gas supplies has become a top priority," Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias said after a trilateral meeting of foreign affairs ministers.

The conflict in Ukraine "stands to change the structure of the European and Middle Eastern energy markets," said Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid.

"There are risks here, but there are also opportunities which we must examine together," he said.

The three countries "can and should be part of the solution for Europe's quest for diversified, secure and cleaner energy (gas) supply from the Levantine corridor (in the Eastern Mediterranean)," Cyprus' Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides added.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid (L), Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias (C) and Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides shake hands at a press conference after a trilateral meeting of foreign ministers in Athens, Greece, on April 5, 2022. (Xinhua/Marios Lolos)
